Friday, July 18, 2014


See that sweet, little hand resting on her cheek, leaning on my leg? That's how I got sit to watch the movie, "Frozen" for the first time the other night (yes, I'm eight months behind). Mary Lane, Erica and Jeanette needed to spend the night at my house while Russell and some other guys painted their house, so I thought it would be fun to watch the movie together.

I loved the movie, but my two favorite parts were not on the screen. One was having Mary Lane cuddle next to me for the entire length of the movie (well, she got a little fidgety towards the end when she was trying keep from getting too sleepy). She would give me a little running commentary along the way. When it first started, she looked at me and said, "We only have the songs, not the movie," meaning that they watch videos of the songs on You Tube, but haven't gotten their own copy of the DVD (yet). We had fun laughing at Olaf the snowman and I comforted her when things got a little suspenseful. So sweet!

My other favorite part was when the first notes of "Let It Go" started playing. It may have taken me eight months to see the movie, but I haven't had my head in a cave all this time, so I knew what was coming. I think I may have even alerted Erica to what song was coming up (probably not, she's a smart cookie). She had been lying next to me on the couch, quietly watching the movie, but when those first notes of the song began, she got up and stood in front of the TV and sang along with Elsa and did the motions, too! It was a phenomenon I hadn't seen before! I couldn't decide whether to watch the movie or Erica. So cute!

I'm so glad that I waited to watch that movie with my nieces so that I could put that night in my memory bank for times when we can't sit together on the couch!

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