Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A walk at sunset

My motivation for exercising has been very low lately. It's a combination of not having the same class I was going to for about a year, not having my workout buddies, and being in a rut.

But I'm trying . . . so after I ate supper last night, I remembered that I had seen someone post that the irises are in bloom at a local garden. Ding, ding, ding! That would be my motivation for getting a walk in! I love to combine photography with walking, so I decided to change into my exercise clothes and get going before the sun went down.

I live very close to the Ellington Agricultural Center, which has some walking paths and trails and lots of pretty scenery, including the iris garden. I parked on the other side of the grounds so that I'd have to walk to see the irises and then I set out on my walk.

For part of the way, I was on the paved path that has a field where there was a big tractor mowing. I didn't really want to breathe in all that grass and pollen, but it did get me to thinking about the paradox of that "country" scene of the tractor that was only a mile from my house within the "city" limits of Nashville/Davidson County. I love that I can live close to a city with tall buildings and also be close to open fields and beautiful landscapes. Ah, Middle Tennessee!

So here are some pics that I took while I was walking. The sun was quickly setting and I had to hurry to get back to my car, but it was a worthwhile way to get my heart-rate pumping!