Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Favorite: The Peach Truck

 I'm sure a lot of people in Nashville have been buying Georgia peaches from The Peach Truck for a while now, but I finally happened on their stand at the Nashville Farmer's Market and bought a bag.

All I can say is "YUM!"

In fact, I got the first bag and didn't even eat one out of hand, but used them to make a cobbler for my coworkers (every four or five years or so, I get into a mood to make something to bring to work--ha). I used a recipe from a cookbook I own, but the recipe on The Peach Truck website is very similar.

And again, YUM!

I checked where I could find The Peach Truck peaches closer to my house and discovered that they are set up at Farmin' in the Hall every Thursday from 5:00-8:00pm at the Crievewood United Methodist Church. Oh yeah, it's on my way home from work! And yes, I bought another bag last week. I've been eating those peaches with the juice dripping down my arm. YUM!

I guess I'll have to go buy some more, though, because I want to make what The Peach Truck people call "Peach Icebox Cake." It looks so delicious! And I'll need to share!

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