Monday, December 9, 2013

Jingle Bell 5K

Last Saturday morning, I woke up at 6:00am and checked the weather and the wind chill was 20-something degrees and we still had gray skies and the remnants of the winter precipitation. I was signed up to go walk/jog a 5K race called the Jingle Bell Run and I was seriously questioning my sanity.

But, after checking the radar several times and consulting with my advising team (my sister and my mom), I decided to go ahead and bundle up and go to the race. I didn't want to disappoint my friend who had said she was still planning to go.

I didn't want to get there too early and have to wait in the cold for the race to start, so I timed it pretty well and found Adriana and her family and we decided to make the best of it. There wasn't as large a crowd as I'm sure were registered, but there were plenty of other insane like-minded people out there, and it was for a good cause (The Arthritis Foundation). Many people were dressed in crazy Christmas attire:  tutus, Santa hats, footie pajamas. You can see in the photo above that we stayed on the conservative side, but still had on our red and green.

Well, the race got underway and Adriana each found our pace and I was thankful that I had added some jogging to my training so that I could go a little faster and get finished a little sooner. I'm not sure what my official time was, but according to my timer, I am pretty sure I finished under my normal time of walking a 5K, so that was my goal!

And afterward, I had a cute t-shirt and a Venti Peppermint Mocha to reward myself!


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