Sunday, June 16, 2013

Neck ties, Flair pens, and Legal pads

I never shopped for a Father's Day present for my dad at a sporting goods store. He didn't really have a favorite sports team, unless Oklahoma college teams were in a bowl game. I think he probably liked to fish, but it wasn't something he did very often. Father's Day gifts for my dad usually were either handmade or framed photos or a new neck tie. He always appreciated whatever we got him.

A new neck tie was something we could get Dad for almost any occasion, usually accompanied by a new button-down shirt to go with it. Or maybe the tie was supposed to go with the shirt. At any rate, whatever article of clothing we gave Dad for a gift, he wanted to immediately model it or at least hold it up next to him so we could see how it would look. And then if appropriate, he wanted to wear his new shirt and tie that day. Daniel has a collection of his grandpa's ties and I'm glad that those won't be forgotten.

Some other "favorites" of Dad's that I want to make sure I don't forget are:

Flair pens - I remember that he used this particular type of pen all of the time when he was working. Once he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, he switched to ball point pens, but I'm sure those felt tip Flair pens were still among his things in his desk drawer.

Legal pads - I would love to know how many of those he used in his lifetime. Many stories, musings, sermons or just lists of things he wanted to remember were recorded on those lined notepads.

Mints - My dad wasn't big on chewing gum, but he liked to have fresh breath, so he often carried a roll of mints in his pocket. I remember that he liked the blue (peppermint) flavor, but I think spearmint and cinnamon showed up on his dresser as well.

Ice cream - Not that I'd ever really forget this, but Dad loved ice cream in any form and most any flavor. He often checked the grocery store ads to see who had Breyer's on sale and he'd go get some Vanilla Bean or Mint Chocolate Chip (not the kind tinted green). He also liked Pistachio and Strawberry and Peach and . . .

For some of my other thoughts and pictures of my Dad, check out these posts:
Father's Day 2012
Father's Day 2010
Father's Day 2008

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