Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Easter 2021

The celebration of Jesus' resurrection was such a sweet and special joy this year. It was so good to be able to gather with our church family in person this year, and we also had the added bonus of having our family together in one place.

We began our Easter Week observances on Thursday by having a modified Passover Seder meal, using guidance from our church and some families who recorded a meal for us to watch in our homes. The purpose was to remember and experience the type of meal that Jesus and his disciples would have had on the night that Jesus was betrayed. The elements of the meal were used as reminders of how Jesus fulfilled all of the Old Testament prophecies and promises when he walked on the earth.


On Good Friday, our church met for a meaningful time of remembering Christ's death on the cross and the sacrifice he made for our sins. The songs and scripture helped us to consider the mercy that was shown to us and to recommit our lives to living for the glory of Christ as believers.

 Easter Sunday was a wonderful day of gathering to celebrate the risen Savior. It was even more special to be gathered in our church's new worship hall and to be able to greet friends who were coming back to worship in person for the first time since the pandemic. In my role on the church staff, I have responsibilities all morning, but it is truly a joy to serve the Lord and his people in this way.

The rest of the day was spent just relaxing and spending time together as a family. We had a simple meal and then sat outside in the backyard enjoying the beautiful day. The girls enjoyed hunting for the eggs that Daniel hid for them, and they also had fun decorating some cookies. The guinea pigs got to come out to play and there was some whiffle ball action, and even a short ukelele concert. It was a perfect afternoon!

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