Friday, July 9, 2010


I went for a walk at Radnor Lake this morning and decided to take the Lake Trail, since it would be the shadiest route. I love walking through the woods and love the quietness of the trails at Radnor. But one thing that makes me a little nervous is that I might take a wrong turn and end up on the most strenuous trail Ganier Ridge, like I've accidentally done before. It's not the end of the world if I get up there and it's a really good work-out, but most of the time, it's not my first choice of trails.

For some reason, when I get in the woods and come to the forks in the trails that lead out to the road, I get turned around. Thankfully, today I remembered from past experience to just keep turning right and that worked. But as I was walking and thinking, the old hymn, "He Leadeth Me," came to mind and I began to sing the chorus (or refrain I guess it's called) in my head.

I actually couldn't remember all of the words past the first two lines, and then started humming another part of the hymn. As I was on the way home, I realized that I was actually putting two hymns together and so I got out a hymnal to try to get it all straight. The other hymn I was remembering is "My Lord is Near Me All the Time" and I think they go together very well:

I've seen it in the lightning,

Heard it in the thunder,

And felt it in the rain;

My Lord is near me all the time,

My Lord is near me all the time.

He leadeth me, He leadeth me,

By His own hand He leadeth me:

His faithful foll'wer I would be,

For by His hand He leadeth me.

I'm not a songwriter or composer, but maybe I should pass along this idea of a medley to one of my friends who does that kind of thing. Regardless of whether anyone else ever puts this together, I am thankful that My Lord is near me and leads me all the time!

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