Saturday, December 20, 2008

Advent: Day Twenty

The ornament of a fiery furnace represents The Exile in Babylon. In God's sovereignty, He took a remant of the tribe of Judah into captivity to preserve the lineage of His people. Through this remnant, Christ, our Supreme Judge, would come. (p.77)

The book of Daniel tells some of the stories from the years of exile in Babylon. Daniel and his friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, were ordered to do things that went against their upbringing. They all showed great courage and faith when they stayed true to the Lord God instead of eating a constant diet of rich food and drink, bowing to idols, and praying when it was ruled illegal. Those are the kind of young men that I want my son, Daniel, and his friends, to see as role models. There are so many things in our culture that are similar to the culture in ancient Babylon. I pray that our guys will remain true to the One True God.

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