Friday, February 19, 2010

Random thoughts

It's been an emotionally-draining week, with sad news coming from several sides (friends and acquaintances dealing with cancer diagnoses, and the death of a child). I know that God is in control of all of these circumstances and that He is a God of hope. I believe in the promise from Romans 8:28 that says, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." And I am thankful.

Today I read a comment from the wife of a friend who has been diagnosed with cancer. She said that they appreciated all of the prayers and messages, and especially liked the funny ones. That made me start looking for funny things to pass along, and also that would make me laugh as well.

One thing I thought of was a scene this week that took place in the Kroger parking lot as I was walking in to get a couple of things after work. I passed by a man (a rather large man, I might add) who had a cart that was VERY full of groceries. He was standing beside one of those "smart cars". You know, the kind that looks like someone cut off the back end. To say there's not a trunk is an understatement. At that moment when I passed by, I decided to let what I was thinking come out of my mouth: "Are you going to be able to get all those groceries in there?" The man just laughed and said, "I hope so, or else I'll be carrying them home in this cart!"

I'll leave you with one more funny picture. Since it was such a pretty day outside today, a lot of people were out and about. One friend posted on her Facebook status that she'd just seen a nun riding a scooter. My comment to that was, "Girls just wanna have fun!"


robin said...

I love reading your posts...they always make me thankful for you, friend:)

Nanette R. said...

Thanks, Robin. I was wondering if anyone still read my blog. And I've been in sort of a dry spell. :-)