Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday Funny

Daniel has started a new job requiring him to wear clothes other than jeans, t-shirts and hoodies. When he got home from work last Saturday, I asked him to gather up his work clothes and I'd wash them all together in one load. (I realize that I am an extremely accommodating mom of a teen-ager, washing his clothes for him, but his time is coming!)

In the pile of clothes he brought to the laundry area was a pair of black pants and a black shirt that he'd worn for a band concert. The rest of the items were mostly colors, so I threw it all in together. And then when the washer finished, I threw them all in the dryer as well.

You might be thinking you can guess the "funny" part of this story. And if you're thinking it has something to do with the color of the clothes, you're wrong. When I took the clothes out of the dryer, I realized which black pants he had worn and that had been washed. And they have a label inside that says, "Dry Clean Only."

I yelped and grabbed the pants and made Daniel go try the pants on to see what damage had been done. I waited a couple of minutes and then went into his room, just in time to see him buttoning the pants, but kind of holding in his stomach as he did so. Then I looked down at his feet and saw that the pants could now be described as "high waters."

I was mostly mad at myself for not looking at the label, but I was also ranting a little at Daniel for giving me the pants in the first place. After a minute, I said, "We'll probably laugh about this in a day or two." Then I thought a minute and said, "Maybe we can find a short man who could wear these pants!" The laughter came sooner than expected.

The next day we were sitting at lunch and I looked at Daniel and got tickled at the thought of what he looked like trying to make those pants work. I started laughing and told him why and Daniel said, "Well, I was just trying to hold out hope!" Laughter ensued again!

Later we were sitting in the den discussing something else and I thought Daniel was being a little "uppity," as older teen-aged boys can sometimes do. I told him that he better not get too big for his britches, to which Daniel said, "I already did!" More laughter!

I'm so thankful that there is much laughter in our relationship . . . and that we can replace those suit pants!

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