Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Favorites: Blogs

This was not exactly the Friday Favorites post I was excited about writing today, but since I was having some technical difficulties getting my computer to upload some pictures I wanted to use in the post, that one will have to wait for another week.

So, I am now equally excited to share with you some recent favorite blogs that I've found! You probably noticed that I have a pretty long list of blogs in a sidebar on my blog and all of them are favorites in different ways (otherwise, I wouldn't have them on there, right?). I love to read blogs as a form of entertainment, and with a few exceptions, the blogs I read are written by people I personally know. I also find blogs to be inspirational, either giving me creative ideas and prompting me to write something on my own blog, or they inspire me to grow spiritually and help me to focus on God and His Word.

The first blog I want to highlight today is a favorite because I think the writer is "tops"!!! She is full of enthusiasm for life and is such a good encourager and I had a blast getting to know her better when we were both adult leaders at camp with our church youth group. Nan Goes From Nam to Nash has recently gotten a fresh, new look, which made it even more fun. And she's been highlighting some great Nashville restaurants and treateries that makes me want to blow my dining out budget for sure! I think you'll agree that this blog is worth subscribing to or adding to your "favorites" list (or just click over to it from my blog).

The second blog is one that I recently found and have been blown away with how relevant each post has been for my life. Heavenward by Scotty Smith is a series of daily prayers written by the Founding Pastor of Christ Community Church in Franklin, TN and a Council member with The Gospel Coalition. I may have met Scotty personally at some point in my years here in Nashville (I know I've been to his church and have friends who have been or are members there), but I have really appreciated the honesty and depth he shares in his prayers and like I said, I have been totally amazed at how many of the prayers deal with something that is on my mind on that particular day. God is awesome like that and I am thankful for how this blog helps me grow in my own prayer life.

One more blog that I'll list as a "favorite" is written by a guy who goes to my church and has been my Sunday School teacher for the past several months. Forward Progress is one of the blogs that I check every day, because Michael usually posts every day and I enjoy the variety of things that he posts about. One fun thing I look forward to every week is his "Fridays Are For One Question" posts. It's always interesting to see what he comes up with and also to read how others answer the question.

Well, now maybe I've given you something to do when you're bored this weekend or needing to stay inside in the air-conditioning to avoid this nasty heat wave that keeps on giving! And feel free to let me know of favorite blogs you have come across . . . or to just post a comment in general to let me know you're out there (hint, hint!)!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Nanette - you're so sweet! Thanks for the shoutout!