Thursday, November 25, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day Twenty-five

For Day Twenty-five, I am thankful for giving.

Today is the BIG DAY! Thanksgiving Day 2010. On this day, as we gather to eat an abundance of food with special people we love, I am thankful for the giving that I see happening all around me, all throughout the year. Just as thankfulness needs to be our daily habit/discipline, so does giving to others. And learning to be a receiver of other's gifts is a good thing too.

Here are some ways I've seen people giving lately, either to me, or to others:
  • The Toy Store:  This is a special event each December where people who can't afford to go shopping in stores for their family's Christmas gifts can sign up to come "shop" from the toys, clothing and gifts that are donated by generous people all over Nashville. Our church participates in this event each year and I am thankful for the generosity of people who want to help others in need.
  • In May of this year, Nashville experienced a devastating flood which displaced many people from their homes, forcing some people to never be able to go back to that particular home. Thankfully, my home was not in a flood plain, but Daniel's other home was affected, as were several homes of people we know. It was very moving for me to see the people of our church and city come together to help and give to those in need. From money, to time, to muscles, to household items, to food and water, Nashville gave and I will never forget it.
  • Like I mentioned in my post about being thankful for "little things" there were gifts given to me this year that were seemingly small, but had a big impact. Anytime that someone takes the time to thoughtfully pick out a gift that they know I will enjoy, or even send me a note in the mail (or electronically), I am grateful. 
  • I have a friend who is hardly able to put food on her table, yet is always wanting to give something to me. I give her daughter a ride to school three mornings a week, and it is not out of my way to do this, and in fact, I enjoy getting to spend the time with her. I know that my friend desperately wants to reciprocate in some way, but it nearly broke my heart when she called this week to say that she was not able to give me a turkey for Thanksgiving (she's done this in the past). I am learning to accept her gifts, when possible, because I know that giving something to me brings her joy.

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