Friday, December 11, 2009

The hustle and bustle of Christmas

This weekend (and the week leading up to it) will be my busiest for the month. Saturday and Sunday night we will have Christmas Worship services at church (probably most of the readers of this blog will be participating in some way, but I like to write as if I'm a real blogger!), and I'm singing in the choir. I can't remember how many years this makes for me singing in the GCC choir for Christmas, but it is so much fun (most of the time) and I love the feel of the service. From the minute we start walking into the Chapel singing "Sing Aloud on This Day," it brings the birth of Christ to the forefront in my mind and heart.

Of course, since I'm now working at the church office, my level of involvement has jumped to a new level! Not only did I have the hectic schedule of rehearsing every Sunday afternoon for six weeks and enduring the "dreaded" dress rehearsal (which is a misnomer, since nobody dresses in what they'll wear for the real thing), but this year I got to be involved in the behind-the-scenes preparations (i.e.: the bulletin and helping to line up childcare for rehearsals and getting the notebooks--important stuff!). And yes, I'm tired on this Friday night. But am I any less excited for the actual nights? NO WAY!

The other thing that will make this a busy weekend is that I have not decorated our house for Christmas yet. Usually, we take care of that on the first weekend of December, so we can enjoy the tree all month and so Daniel is at my house and can get in on the fun (and put the angel on top). Well, for several reasons, we decided not to do it last weekend, one big one being that Daniel's drum set was sitting in the spot where the Christmas tree goes. Well, the drums went to their other home for a while and now there's a big, empty spot in the living room, just waiting for a tree. Oh, how I wish that elves would come in the night and get out all the decorations and let me wake up to the twinkling lights and a clean house! Dream all I want, I know that won't happen, so I'll work all day tomorrow to clean the house and put up the tree, and then will go sing my little heart out at church!

Once this weekend is over, my holiday season will get increasingly more quiet. I hope to do some fun things and still have Christmas cards to get in the mail and a few presents to buy, but most of the hustle and bustle will be over for me. And that won't necessarily be a bad thing! I can make a hot cup of tea (or a whole pot), find a good book and spend some time reading by the tree.

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